The Message Behind "The Youngest Bridesmaid"

On the surface of my latest painting, "The Youngest Bridesmaid",  it looks innocent enough. It shows two little girls in gowns on a special occasion. At the foot of the youngest child appears to be a flower petal. When you first look at this you see innocence and beauty but for anyone that knows me, there is always some type of symbolism built into my paintings. This painting, although appearing pure on the surface actually depicts something much darker. When you look at it again after reading this you’ll see it differently. READ MORE

18 February, 2016

Completion of "The Doll Maker from Cabo"

Last week I wrote about my journey painting my latest portrait, “The Doll Maker from Cabo”. This week I’ll continue my thoughts as I completed the portrait. My emotions of painting a portrait or any painting for that matter are not atypical from any other artist. I think we, as artists, all feel and go through somewhat these same stages from fear of a blank canvas to thinking we aren’t good enough then thinking we’re not that bad but yet fear public approval and failure. Although, it always ends well when it is finished with that feeling of accomplishment.  READ MORE

15 October 2015

The Making of ‘The Doll Maker From Cabo’

Recently I finished my painting, “The Doll Maker from Cabo”. I posted progress shots on my Facebook page but I thought you may be interested in my thought processes as an artist along the way. It began with a photo that I took back in 2008 when I went on a cruise to Mexico. One of our stops was in Cabo San Lucas. As always, I had my camera and took shots of local people and the surrounding area. I try to take photos of people unaware so I have a more natural pose rather then something staged. This photo turned out to be perfect! I knew immediately that this would become a painting one day. READ MORE

8 October 2015

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